10 Segundos de Meditação para um Robô Minerador no Cinturão de Asteróides
Se passou um século de pesquisa, até que a sonda Dawn da Nasa fotografou em detalhes a superfície de Ceres, o maior corpo do cinturão de asteroides. Chegava-se agora, a primeira missão de mineração de água no asteroide. Guardada em forma de gelo, em bolsões abaixo da superfície, algumas...
NÓS e eles
Belma Polat tinha uma missão importante na empresa de mídia que trabalhava. Na verdade, um grande conglomerado com empresa de TV, rádio online, portais, etc. Ela ficou incumbida de entender o ódio que estava fervilhando na Turquia. Como estavam atravessando um momento de eleições políticas, a sensação de que...
Resíduos Nucleares no Verão de Vênus
Tony Washburn estava em sua grande missão interplanetária. Não queria confessar, mas não era seu grande sonho. Viu seus colegas serem encarregados de grandes projetos, alguns para verdadeiras missões pioneiras e que lhes dariam fama, mas a ele somente sobrou levar lixo para Vênus. Projeto da Academia Espacial de...
Lua de Mel na Gold Coast e um Drone Bisbilhoteiro
Matt e Linda iam começar uma nova lua-de-mel. Após o casamento da filha caçula, todos os filhos estavam bem criados. Bem, casados ou não, tinham empregos excelentes nas metrópoles, e o casal preferiu se mudar para a Gold Coast, no litoral leste da Australia. Fizeram uma festa da confirmação...
TUUL – A fictional story in the Future about IoT, Smart Cities and Big Data.
TUUL – Transformation Unit for Uninhabitable Lands Trishna Drala watched from her armchair the movement of the “Tuuls” Units. Actually, the drive pattern of the units had changed. Almost 30 years ago, when the first Tuul had been “liberated”, everything happened in a coordinated way and without surprises, a...
Smart Cities – Part II – The Climate Group Proposal
For this study, we will use a work well referenced in this context, which was carried out by the Climate Group. (https://www.theclimategroup.org/) Companies such as Bell, Telefonica, Cisco, T-Mobile, BT, Nokia, Deutsche Telecom, Vodafone, Intel, Microsoft, Ericsson, Sun, Telenor and France Telecom among others make up the Climate Group....
Customer Experience – Part I – How has transformed the Customer Care and Services
How the subject of Customer Experience Management has transformed the Customer Care and Services Today the subject of Customer Experience is widely used and has aroused interest from several different audiences: Areas of Companies that want to improve their relationship with the client, usually: Marketing, Customer Service, Sales, Alliances,...
Innovation – Part II – The Process
The Innovation Process Imagine that the CEO of the company gives you a mission. You can be from HR, Special Projects, Innovation Projects, etc. The mission is to innovate more, he is not satisfied, because the company only makes the same, and needs to invent more, to do different,...
Cloud Computing – Part I – Changing a Paradigm and Culture of Data Centers
Cloud Computing is another of the topics that are innovative, it is a lever to transform business and also correlates with the innovative themes as we have approached. Starting from a simpler definition, to then evolve on how cloud computing has become more elaborate throughout its history, we can...
Knowledge Management – Part I – The Society Evolving with Digital Information
Today, Knowledge has undergone intense transformations with technological revolutions. Everything we study in the classical approach to the set of media; the acquisition and transmission of knowledge is being reviewed in multiple aspects. Knowledge has always had a strategic role in all activities, and all human life and its...