The Creation Diversity Versus Marketing Digital with Big Data

Anyone who writes a book, a magazine, a blog or even chooses lecture themes has always sought to choose from the themes of their dedication and knowledge, which will arouse the interest of the audience. This seems to have always been this way. Yet with challenging themes, intriguing styles, surprising outcomes, the authors seek to engage their audience with up-to-date themes, issues that would make a difference in one’s sense.

Every author invests in giving a dose of creativity to their work, to guarantee their originality, their own style and bring a certain fidelity of the audience.

The marks throughout the history of literature are filled with these authors with unmistakable style and bring themes that make us think until today, being a many cases, agents of change in their own society.

The author with tendencies or journalistic training, adopts a reporting bias as it is typical for the type of information that he or she transmits. And this is natural and also historical, but each one that writes in the media to pass on information (and not to create it 100%), yet it introduces elements of creativity. Many fill the analytical role around news in each industry, others “report” information with their own style, highlighting what the audience most appreciates, and thus including elements of creativity in their text.

So far, we can understand it as something close to the behavior of everything that is written in the media, perhaps with minor adaptations.

However, it would fit a careful analysis with the advent of Digital Marketing and Big Data.


Wonderful realities, a sign of the technological evolution of our society, but …

“How have these themes influenced the act of writing?”

One trend I see is the search for themes that give more choices of people in different domains: in each audience; in each media; at what time; according to what one wants to couple (sales, other information, engagements, etc); in each location … so on.
Finding Creativity

That is, the topics of interest are available in a large database and properly segmented by audience classes in a structured, expandable and repeatable way, we have a high level description of Big Data.

When these suggestions are based on multiple digital tools, usually via the Web, to reach each channel and segment, we have another high-level description, Digital Marketing.

No doubt a powerful and differentiated equipment that the author now possesses, uncovers facts before hidden, and gives more security of popularity and success of its authorship.

Continuing with the ramifications of that, it follows that in many cases we see a certain exaggerated convergence around more popular themes originating from the authors. It is as if we entered a large bookstore after many years and only found stories of dragons, self-help and business management (Certainly the classic themes will be closer to the background)Creativity shifts a little from theme creation to other items like shape, character, story, etc.

What will happen in the future? Increased convergence of themes and style, or diversification? And how will creativity be in each case?

I shyly believe that an author, venturing around a literary creation, makes him or her a little impelled by an idea, delights in the unfolding and has a natural impulse to give it a form. Giving up on the idea of ​​not being an appealing theme in the media can be a blow to creativity. Coup after coup, it can become a convergent to themes. May it succeed! However I still prefer the idea of ​​resisting, adapting the complementary parts of each authorship to media pressure and producing creatively.

In the end, creativity supported along the time the works that constituted the databases. Who knows the creative authors may be the Goldsmiths of Big Data, giving new outlines with their innovative ideas.

Nothing is defined. Everything is in motion. Any cube can confirm.



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