A Life Saver: IoT Tale

About Internet of Things

Jonas was almost desperate and becoming more and more disoriented. Now he blamed himself  to be in that desert, just to test how plants would survive in hostile environment with his new biochemical mixture. 

As a botanic scientist, he never heard his wife, whose tech abilities included to give him some gadget, technology support to live better.

But his job was meant to test life in stressed conditions, isn’t it?  So, he kept accusing himself. How he could forget extra batteries, for the car, the smartphone, all the gadgets? Even the solar charger was left at home. Worst, no one will see any problem with his delay, people had become used to his outdoor research, in the desert. But he really failed.

The unique thing that was working now was his watch. May, 9th, 2064. 2:45:00 PM. 48 degrees centigrades. His brain was really failing now, he believed, since he was seeing a small heart blinking at the watch screen corner.

He remembered the pretty drawings of hearts his wife did for him almost every day, showing her love. He said: “Love you too, Miriam”. He drank the rest of water and looked again to the small blinking heart and felt then he was fainting.

He managed to return to the uncharged car and thrown himself inside it, without knowing what was worst, inside or outside. Yes, he really fainted there. Last thought…end of line at the desert…

“But Jonas was not right about dying and about the watch as the last thing that was working there.”

The watch, a wearable, began to communicate to any device near willing to say that Jonas was severely dehydrated and his pulsation was totally abnormal.

But no smart device was functioning there unless a solar battery equipped small drone, installed by Miriam in several placesall cars, the house, the office, etc.


The drone was one of the last generation and its main objectives are security, health services and help on unassisted emergencies. Like that. The health application detected the problem with Jonas, but the drone was not able to establish communication with any other device.

So, this started a routine which included a flight to the last connected place. Using the GPS reverse track, the drone took off Jonas incident site and flied back from the desert, using its fully charged solar battery.

It worked, next morning before the sun hurts again Jonas, he was saved by an ambulance. He almost died.

But thanks to the connected things, he lived.



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