Catching The Big Fishes: A Big Data Theme.

Abel Tomas and Monica Hayashi made a curious pair. He had a  surfer look, a guy with hair burned from the beaches and she was a very studious kind, attentive and shrewd, never left her designer glasses. However, they shared a complicated moment. Abel and Monica were participating of the trainee program of X1Y2Z3, And were not even near of a good performance. It seemed that they would not be hired. Colleagues from different areas obtained very good results, captivated their supervisors and some analysts from user areas. Good references and good results. All that they were not able to get. Monica was a HR trainee. Abel liked  IT, and sought to specialize in new technologies like Big Data. Around 22 years, they were embarrassed and now thought to what they will do on vacation, somewhat anticipated. Unfortunately, X1Y2Z3 would dispose of part of the trainees, hiring those who had better evaluations.

“Monica, why don’t  you come to the beach with me? Let’s forget all this, I will teach you how to surf, you lose this milky color and still go to a lot of parties.”

Monica made for the twentieth time a face without patience and evaded. “Gosh, if we still have two weeks, maybe we could… Gee, I should have achieved this. I made a cool report of new talents, but they thought it was just a lot of people in the market, that I only brought the obvious. What did they want?  Talents with a history of adventures, brainless people who do not leave the beach?”

Monica realized that she spoke too much and Abel did not like it. “Look, you know what?” He said. “I bet you that those are exactly the people who are going to contribute much more in the companies like this. People from HR, just want to know about prissy candidates who only do the same thing, and then want to claim for innovation. I do not understand this, OK?”

Became a discussion “Oh yeah, prove it to me!” In speaking thus, suddenly a light went on for Monica. “Abel, you can sort your programs with these people who I raised data from social networking a few months, how they are now, for example, if they changed jobs, whether they are in reputable companies and so on? Maybe we can figure out what works for real talent.”

Abel thought and realized that it could work. And besides, it would be very boring run out of things to do in those two weeks. But as Monica was very snobbish, he decided to be a more difficult type this time. “Look, I do not know if it will work. I will enjoy my next summer far away from here and meet wonderful places.”

But it was a bluff. In two weeks, Abel and Monica worked hard with the Big Data solution, which also had just began in the company.

From the database that Monica captured, Abel realized her gigantic work, how many people!

Abel greatly expanded the base by capturing into a Big Data architecture some new sources on people, businesses, training, everything that could be captured from the Internet, social networks, ratings, rankings.

At the end of two weeks, Abel ran a statistical model on the database, where he sought correlations than were considered as “successes” in the movements of people reflected in social. He did this comparing the period of the first analysis of Monica with the present. It did not despise anything, from music preferences to the type of sport that the person liked. At least would prove his point to Monica and well, would still call her back to the beach.

Abel did not care much at that moment if it would have a VALUE for X1Y2Z3, but he felt in love with this work. Began to appear strange relationships where some profiles of non-professional features from users whose really concentrated professional high success rates, at least according to the networks. On the other hand, Monica wondered if really all analysis of profiles were already consolidated in the traditional method. It did not look to lack some new dimensions? Does that would help or they would laugh in the last of them? Well, it was what was left to do.


The report was completed. It came the day of the presentation, for all colleagues, and more about twenty employees of X1Y1Z2, IT staff, Marketing, HR, even the HR director was there. Full house. Both were icy.

In their turn, they showed how they obtained the data. Abel said the transformation that had to make to the user data, how he managed everything so they could turn data to variables and so correlate them. And all this reflected in the timeline. Monica completed with results using charts to indicate a high correlation to a group of not conventional variables, typical from social networks with a successful professional result through the occurrence of those variables. It was a sufficiently large user group for this analysis, and although only had data from social networks, from the cloud, they supported with a candid optimism that was a great promise for a transformation of the talent search in X1Y2X3.

Unesco Internship Programme Photo
Unesco Internship Programme Photo

When finished, they were already returning to the chair and the two only looked up when ALL began to applaud. Then only the director commented: “Sensational”.

The pair had the best evaluation. Monica and Abel, just hired, engaged in HR talent project, that alias was chosen for implementation of the first phase of Big Data, at IT side. The beach would have to wait for the next year, who knows. Abel would not give up so easy to take it.



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