Category: Fiction Technology Stories

NÓS e eles

Belma Polat tinha uma missão importante na empresa de mídia que trabalhava. Na verdade, um grande conglomerado com empresa de TV, rádio online, portais, etc. Ela ficou incumbida de entender o ódio que estava fervilhando na Turquia. Como estavam atravessando um momento de eleições políticas, a sensação de que...

Resíduos Nucleares no Verão de Vênus

Tony Washburn estava em sua grande missão interplanetária. Não queria confessar, mas não era seu grande sonho. Viu seus colegas serem encarregados de grandes projetos, alguns para verdadeiras missões pioneiras e que lhes dariam fama, mas a ele somente sobrou levar lixo para Vênus. Projeto da Academia Espacial de...

Lua de Mel na Gold Coast e um Drone Bisbilhoteiro

Matt e Linda iam começar uma nova lua-de-mel. Após o casamento da filha caçula, todos os filhos estavam bem criados. Bem, casados ou não, tinham empregos excelentes nas metrópoles, e o casal preferiu se mudar para a Gold Coast, no litoral leste da Australia. Fizeram uma festa da confirmação...

TUUL – A fictional story in the Future about IoT, Smart Cities and Big Data.

TUUL – Transformation Unit for Uninhabitable Lands Trishna Drala watched from her armchair the movement of the “Tuuls” Units. Actually, the drive pattern of the units had changed. Almost 30 years ago, when the first Tuul had been “liberated”, everything happened in a coordinated way and without surprises, a...

The Last Wall – A Short-Fiction Story on Mobility

Many listened to the UN Secretary General’s speech apprehensive. It has long been feared that groups linked the block of nations called Coalition would trigger a Web liberation movement which could cause drastic consequences. The Secretary took a breath for a couple of seconds. Then, she continued, and chose...

Hidden Dream in The Cloud

Since Chiron Aristóphanes ran his program at Amibor Corporation three days ago, he was feeling really nervous. Even as an authorized and expert employee, he knew that his program could be found anytime, and certainly he would be fired because of that. It was the year of 2024. Chiron...

The Snoopy Drone and Honeymoon on the Gold Coast

Matt and Linda were going to start a new honeymoon. After the marriage of the youngest daughter, all the children were well-bred. Well, married or not, they had excellent jobs in the metropolis, and the couple chose to move to the Gold Coast, on the east coast of Australia....

Delta-Virgo-1 – An Interplanetary Fiction – Part I

Investment Decisions in Technology Abroad – In a tale of interplanetary fiction. It was nightfall on β-Auriga-4 planet, or Bárcon, as they called its inhabitants. The Journalist Kronis had finished watching the third day of the Investment Panel Abroad precisely in the modulus of beginners civilizations, and was happy...

Us and Them

Belma Polat had an important mission in the media company she worked for. In fact a big conglomerate with TV company, online radio, portals, etc. She was in charge of understanding the hatred that was swarming in Turkey. As they were going through a time of political elections, the...