Internet of Things – Part I – The World of Connected Devices

We are entering a world with connected things, much more in number and diversity than people. A world where something isolated and even with a function in our life will be considered simple, static or banal, when compared to things connected. Connected to the network, to a cloud of information fulfilling its role in our favor and integrating with other things.

Our smart devices like PCs, Tablets, Smartphones, etc. will continue their evolutionary history, but will be accompanied massively by these objects with simpler but connected aspects, with a certain degree of expertise in their function and spread discreetly in all ways. These already known devices will have a different and important role in the Internet of Things as well. However, this information domain has its own form of evolution, it is a specific field of study, it has market players with specific skills, and an economy that is now formed around it.

Like other innovations, IoT supports other emerging technologies like Cloud Computing, Smart Economy, Smart Energy, Big Data, Miniaturization of Devices, New Connection Protocols and so many other fields.

Copyright by Luiz Marcelo Rezende
Changes with IoT will occur everywhere. Our Residences will be different

Our lives will change a lot, and we will do everything together and with the help of connected devices – be it leisure, traveling, work, school or at home. For those who care that this new world can lead us to a Big Brother type life, it seems that all the development of these technologies incorporates aspects of privacy that can be customized, as we already do with our gear.

But who has not thought about how this world would be, what devices are these, we can do an exercise and think of a case of the future filled with the Internet of Things. Yes, a bit of fiction, but all of it based on technologies already viable, and on perceived tendencies.

A History of a Typical Day with the Internet of Things

Imagine that you are waking up for a weekend with your family on the coast. You will not remember all the time, but your home will be full of sensors and smart devices. Presence sensors will not only illuminate the place, but communicate with your wearable so that it will alert you about a personalized breakfast for this day, for your health, for you, and for your family as well. When you access your closet, a small display associated with your daily schedule, knowing the weather outside and the forecast on the coast will warn you of the best options for wearing clothes.

In the meantime, your daughter enters the room advising that there is no recommendation of e-Learnings today. An auto helper synchronizes with her school’s e-newsletter and recommends online lessons on her “phablet”, so her daughter finds it strange that there are no messages today. You remind her that it is a weekend with a family trip … and she gives a big smile. You will choose your coffee and if you think you are out of fashion by operating your coffee machine, nevertheless it is always amazing to see how the device always hits the type of coffee of each one, only by checking the distance of the wearable against the connected machine.

While the family combines what they want to do during breakfast, a monitor warns about events, alerts along the trip, when the youngest interrupts everyone and asks them to pay attention to a skateboarding championship near the beach… A smart device takes the opportunity to check and show the conditions of the car, seeing that it is charged and only needs to change its battery in the destination. Also authorizes the automatic tariffs of use until they arrive the beach. You get your family’s bags packed and ready for the trip. As you leave home a few meters away, his son’s wearable sonic alert alerts all about forgetting a new game that his parents have not yet understood how it works, but you have to go back to pick it up, since your son has set it up in a way they do not go far from it at leisure. Your journey is smooth because your car communicates with the road devices, which give you the best traffic management tips, as well as give you crowdsourcing information from other drivers. Your daughter already has a complete agenda in the middle of the journey with friends who are in the same region. At this point, you confirm with your wife a 5km race to fulfill the agenda of the virtual group that your trainer recommended. From the tracking of your body data in the last race, you think it’s fine to increase the race by 1km. With everyone’s agenda complete, parties, games and races, your smartphone suggests a family dinner at a restaurant that everyone likes on the coast. The youngest said he will take the game with him…


Revisiting the term, Internet of Things is about including in a connected digital world, the devices that were once common, from day to day use, and were functional for certain aspects of our life, and often had electricity although others neither that. 

They continue to exist in general in this world, but in more intelligent manner. Communicating with other devicesin the world of the machine connected to the machine, or M2M. They need somehow to send their data, need some battery to store this data, and they need to do it in an economical, very discreet way. That’s why miniaturization and connection technology is so important to IoT. We do not expect each device to connect in a very particular way, hence the need for standards to support this process.

The Internet of Things will surpass and much the number of people connected, and it is assumed that for each device connected in the class of smartphones, there are dozens of other devices connected in your house, in your car, etc.

As we can see, there will be in this case, a new range of information available at various levelsinformation that you reuse in your life, or that you allow to some degree, to share with your group and even share other content to the network, in an anonymous way.

All of this will generate a new layer of knowledge, which linked to Big Data technology and knowledge management will make our world smarter, more integrated with your way of life. The ecosystem of clients and providers of all kinds, doctors, instructors, colleagues, friends, family will prevail to some degree of this information to have a more effective participation in our lives. But of course, security, identification, personalization, privacy – all are themes that will accompany this

Copyright by Luiz Marcelo Rezende
IoT: Collaborating with an Augmented, Shared, Instant Reality.


We can say then that IoT, once completed its first phase of growth, will introduce an innovation on the planet, which is the creation of a previously hidden, particular, obscure knowledge.

An already connected world will now evolve in a more integrated way to all things. In addition to people, animals, plants, buildings, cars, industrial plants, offices, hospitals, schools, and all things. Hence, they call a world with IoT, a world with augmented reality.

(to be continued)



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