The Last Wall – A Short-Fiction Story on Mobility

Many listened to the UN Secretary General’s speech apprehensive. It has long been feared that groups linked the block of nations called Coalition would trigger a Web liberation movement which could cause drastic consequences. The Secretary took a breath for a couple of seconds. Then, she continued, and chose...

Mobility – Part I – Anytime,Anywhere, Anyway.

The strategy around mobility was something that evolved on a large scale in the view of corporate managers. In the field of solutions, we were in an earlier era with remarkable features:  Goals more committed to architectural building standards. A relatively small group of equipment to integrate. A world...

Hidden Dream in The Cloud

Since Chiron Aristóphanes ran his program at Amibor Corporation three days ago, he was feeling really nervous. Even as an authorized and expert employee, he knew that his program could be found anytime, and certainly he would be fired because of that. It was the year of 2024. Chiron...

Nasa Mars 2020 Mission and Project Management Techniques

NASA intends to start a new mission in 2020 toward Mars, there, the Rover Research Robot will collect very important information from the soil of the neighboring planet. Everything that comes from Nasa arouses a great interest for lovers of science, engineering, and space affairs. Reading about the Mars...

The Snoopy Drone and Honeymoon on the Gold Coast

Matt and Linda were going to start a new honeymoon. After the marriage of the youngest daughter, all the children were well-bred. Well, married or not, they had excellent jobs in the metropolis, and the couple chose to move to the Gold Coast, on the east coast of Australia....

Smart Society 2025

Society is in one of those times when a lot of innovations present themselves are on an upward curve of consolidation and use, more, and most likely have not yet come to their hype. These various technologies detain many analysts dissecting them, interpreting how they will be used in...

Amazing Communications Towers around the World

All information below came from the official website or Wikipedia (except photos). Canberra Telstra Tower Canberra’s most visited tourist destinations but also offers 360 degree panoramic views of Canberra and its surrounding countryside from an indoor observation deck, two outdoor  viewing platforms and Executive Briefing Centre – meeting rooms. As well...

Top 10 Telcos (by MARKET CAP) and Telcos Future Plans

The chart below was compiled with data from the “Investopedia” website. This is the market value of the 10 largest Telecom operators.   Data Table: We can see that there is a distribution on the European continents in North America and Asia, which is naturally related to the developed...

Delta-Virgo-1 – An Interplanetary Fiction – Part I

Investment Decisions in Technology Abroad – In a tale of interplanetary fiction. It was nightfall on β-Auriga-4 planet, or Bárcon, as they called its inhabitants. The Journalist Kronis had finished watching the third day of the Investment Panel Abroad precisely in the modulus of beginners civilizations, and was happy...

Ray Kurweill’s Predictions

See Ray Kurzweill’s Predictions for 2019 [according to The Age of Intelligent Machines, published in 1990]. Some are a bit out of date, others are common. Some real, more only in the developed world, and not in the whole world. Anyway, predictions made 25 years ago, very interesting. Kurzweill,...