Internet of Things – Part II – Business with IoT

What we will see in the coming years will be the emergence of important players in the world of IoT. We do not know whether the same – renewed – or others who will seize the opportunity. But just as PCs, then Smartphones and Tablets have entered everyone’s life,...

10 Seconds to a Robot Miner in the Asteroid Belt Meditate

After a century of research, when NASA’s Dawn spacecraft detailed the surface of Ceres, the largest body of the Asteroid Belt, the first water-mining mission on the asteroid now arrived. Guarded in ice, in pockets below the surface, recent missions by Robots Researchers who were in Ceres prepared a...

The Ivory Tower – Knowledge Management

Once upon a time a land where there was an Ivory Tower. In this tower lived a community of experts in various subjects, they were known as the Wizards. Near the tower there was a palace where lived a King and his court. It was known in those days...

Customer Experience — The Old Salesman

The boss of Elena was talking with an expert—his colleague and mentor in Amibor Tech company—and they were a bit pessimistic. “Look, selling technology to the more traditional sectors like this, will be tough, you know? They are the manufacturers of small tractors with the greatest tradition in this...

Intuition in the OmniScience Artificial Intelligence Project

On that summer night of 2031, there was a dilemma the Lab was living. In the hands of Ahmad Adraim, a routing decision in the development of the Artificial Intelligence Project, The Omniscience-AI was at a crucial stage. Omniscience had established itself as one of the great Artificial Intelligence...

Nanotechnology and the Future Cure of Leukemia

Yuuto and Misaki were a couple that hugely loved their daughter. The girl, 9 years old, was called Sara. They could still see the beauty of his features, but the Leukemia was slowly abating Sara’s resistance. To the point of the couple, in spite of their dedication and intense...

Three Animations of 2018 with Themes of Technological Innovation

In this post I would like to bring a curiosity. Have you seen how many animation themes have brought items of innovation in technology? The children (and the others too) have taken advantage of this to make it easier to imagine what a more connected future will be like....

Social Networks — Alienation or Reconnection?

About Social Networks. Pablo was leaving a presentation much polemic with respect to the Internet, regarding the behavior of each of us, in the face of social networks. On the one hand, the speaker commented the much lauded network ability to reconnect people, together with approaching actions between company...

8 Successful IoT Devices by Market Category

From 8 IoT categories, the devices that are most popular in each of these have been selected. See the list below and you agree with the choices. Missing any? 1. Category Wearables: Smartwatch Smartwatch has been part of the lives of many people for several years, tuned into technology...