10 ITC Analysis Firms – Evaluating Corporate Solutions

Every ITC analyst has grown accustomed to looking in the “Magic Quadrant” of Gartner, or in the “Waves” of Forrester Research for a more impartial analysis for its board of directors. Within each company, this was a high level support and with an expectation of exemption that lent credibility...

A Fable about Smart and Sister Cities

Prabhu Swapan had built his reputation in a spectacular way in Amibor Corporation. He represented the new blood, an innovator. On the other hand, the company had gone through several waves of transformation in the market and always kept among the 10 largest in the technology industry. It was...

Winning Business Strategies to Deal with the Environment

According to Callan and Thomas (in the book “Environmental Economics & Management: Theory, Policy, and Applications”), economics and the environment relate through a flow of resources and waste, in a Material Balance Model where an interdependence of economic activity and nature as follows, expressed in the figure below: Thus,...

Social Media Impact over Elections around the World

We see practically everywhere, a consistent rise in the use of Social Media. Regardless of cultural traits, government positions and internet penetration, this can be said to be a global trend. In addition, large companies dealing with social media are present in most nations. See this chart from Statista....

How can Artificial Intelligence change the World of Cryptocurrencies?

Artificial Intelligence and crypto-currencies have not been anymore something that surprises the world of technology and business. Those are already two consolidated disciplines that are immersed in technological and financial evolution. Cryptocurrencies are offered to those who are interested in alternative investments, larger gains or even a way to...

The Blockchains War

It was not yet approaching 2140, but the virtual currency Bitcoin remained at reasonable levels for investors. The world economy still suffered from the old ups and downs in almost every country, but a lot had changed. The financial market had lost much of its power, and a milestone...

The Future of Nuclear Energy in the Smart Cities

One of the concerns of those who want to see the smart cities evolving is with the energy sources of each location; of each country; of each region; and of each city. Energy supply is generally influenced by the characteristics of public administration and the availability of existing resources...

Impact of Urban Displacement on Smart Cities.

In the past there was a more restricted definition of the Displacement Management (or in a way, a “decarbonisation of the transport area”), linked only to products: More broadly,Urban Displacement refers to absolute or relative reduction in quantity needed to serve economic functions. The Urban Displacement Management, could represent...

The Innovation Process and Climate Change (According Nicholas Stern)

Humanity in general has been concerned in the last decades with the process of climate change, its origins, its process and its impacts to normal life on the planet. Although varying degrees and interpretations around the world, the climate change it is a constant discussion in scientific, financial and...