Smart Society 2025

Society is in one of those times when a lot of innovations present themselves are on an upward curve of consolidation and use, more, and most likely have not yet come to their hype.

These various technologies detain many analysts dissecting them, interpreting how they will be used in society. What is certain is that they will interact, and benefit from each other when applying.

The table of this article, or rather, an Architecture Framework was designed, in order to investigate not every Technology, to go deep into their interrelations, however, in how in a not so distant future, they will compose what we are calling a Smart Society for 2025.

For this reason, it is really interesting to observe the growth of these innovative technologies in order to structure and give their Foundation. For this intelligent society, in the near future, we divide into two types of use, or topics: Intelligent Applications and Data; and second, the Autonomous Processes. There are two aspects that will reach this society with an unprecedented volume and wealth of information.

New applications in a heterogeneous dataset, well classified, and of much greater volume, will give a very transforming feature for the modern society.

The way we consume information today and rely on day-to-day applications will be much more intense and somewhat transparent. This is part of everyday life in a more natural way today. Our use of technology is somewhat active and disruptive in behavior. The new applications based on much richer data will integrate in a softer and more coupled way during our common day.

For this, we rely on the development of many technological foundations. We point out in this Framework three of them, very important: Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and 5G.

The Internet of Things for this diversified volume will be a great enabler of this day-to-day integration with human behavior, since cars, houses, wearables, and many other connected “things” will be helping us to live in this new society.

The devices that we commonly use today – the tablets and smartphones – of course, did not cease to exist. However, they will be greatly complemented by these applications that touch everyday life in a more transparent way. This will give behavior in society a less aggressive way. That is, there will be other forms of connection and integration across the network that are not via a physically active use of mobile devices.

We can always think that economic development is necessary in parallel. Development that is different for each region, for each nation. But at the same time we can see that the wave of technology always reaches all societies sooner or later.

Another important element is Cloud Computing supporting these smart applications. Or rather, smarter applications. More data will be available in a secure, hopefully, outside of the local storage environment. That is, outside of the personal infrastructure itself, but in the cloud. There is still much to discuss what is considered anonymous, what is considered correct to store, for each person or company, but certainly, from reciprocal benefits, these data will be more and more used, necessarily accompanied by a regulation that also needs evolve so that everything takes place as each society demands.

Cloud Computing is already causing a shift in the dominant Technology companies in the marketplace. Every great technological wave can cause this and usually causes. Betting in advance on new technologies greatly increases this chance of having a key role among software vendors, general applications and processes in the future smart society.

What will develop is not only Cloud computing technologies, access to information, and information exchange, but also Cross Processes among the holders of qualified information in the cloud.

We also see a telecoms revolution approaching, which is the advent of the new generation at 5G. In fact, very important to allow this society to obtain a feasible infrastructure, compatible with the performance and bandwidth required for this new Framework. Also transformative to the world of Telecom; for the vendors; for CSPs, 5G goes deep into this world governed by OTTs and software companies, or the cloud. At least it will allow this possibility. Or for the more progressive will actually demand it for their own survival.

Software-defined networks, fragmentation of functions, use of machine learning, predictive analysis … all these items will be present to support the application layer and intelligent data and interact with all these technologies mentioned.

On the other hand, autonomous processes will be common throughout society. A need for lower-level interaction as it is done today is becoming less and less necessary. Processes that will have a “guarantee” from your supplier for each item will more and more people and govern the behavior of people.

The credibility and reputation of these new processes are related to the companies that will be present in each of the vertical industrial and services sectors. For example, the Healthcare Area will have consolidated players that bet on the new technology but also maintain their reputation for quality services and responsibility, once combined these factors, there will certainly be a great adhesion of this new society.

We can imagine the same for the financial area, for the telecommunications area, for the transportation area, etc. Processes with intelligence, data abundance, and secure transactions will be capital, so that this wheel works in an engaged way.

Thus, we also cite three important technologies to support these autonomous processes: Blockchain, Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

Blockchain that already supports in its birth, operations with cryptocurrency. It is common knowledge among analysts, for their security, easy access and decentralization — by various industries and several innovators in the construction of processes and software.

The blockchain characteristics combine very well with this more decentralized world, less physically coupled to physical devices. That is, a user can be walking and at the same time participate in secure transactions, certified by a specialist layer. But at the same time, decentralized, dissociating herself (/himself) from the typical holders of the end-process, as we see today.

There is no shortage of expositions that bet heavily on blockchain today and there are those who defend it as a great revolution in terms of processes. But we want to add here how blockchain will interact very well with all those technologies that support intelligent society. And how each of these supportive technologies, in turn, propelling the others.

For example, Artificial Intelligence benefits and supports the blockchain for transaction evolution and record analysis, with intelligent pieces of software and processes that will permeate these secure transactions. When the process learns from its own use, improved management is provided. And then, the processes themselves become better. And in the case, moreover, autonomous.

In addition, Big Data Analytics is an already well-established technology. But it will be established in an expanded way, more integrated than today in the cloud with information of Connected Things more effectively.

We could imagine Big Data Analytics as an intelligent classification of data, but we find it even more important to link it to the autonomous process, or to explore its analytical part. It is precisely there that we will need a large capacity to digest all the information and the answer will be a fully functioning Big Data in the cloud, using the things connected in an extensive way and with Artificial Intelligence coupled in its reports, analyzes, and inferences.

Of course, all these interactions deserve a dedicated analysis and it is interesting to think about how each block interacts with one another. Something that will be very much done everywhere, but at the same time we need to think about how our society, which can be said, is “reborn” for now, will behave with so many innovations. For this we need to look not one by one, but all these innovations working together, to understand future behavior and social interactions.

Changes in the technical profile of Employees in all sectors, changes in social interactions in moments inside or outside work, change in the use of all the material devices that surround us, from those of the smart home, to connected cars, via wearables, and even the nascent industry of robots.

We can not yet say whether society will resemble some vision of fiction film or futuristic essay. Well, this will show up very soon. We also need to be prepared for the Smart Society that will come in the next few years.

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