Tag: robotics

Resíduos Nucleares no Verão de Vênus

Tony Washburn estava em sua grande missão interplanetária. Não queria confessar, mas não era seu grande sonho. Viu seus colegas serem encarregados de grandes projetos, alguns para verdadeiras missões pioneiras e que lhes dariam fama, mas a ele somente sobrou levar lixo para Vênus. Projeto da Academia Espacial de...

The Flight of the Manned Drone

It was the beginning of Safe Bird tests carrying Lisandra. A major undertaking in the city, 2 pioneering companies and leaders in their segments bet their reputation on that project. In some countries, there were already advanced tests of Drones carrying passengers, but there, it would be the last...

Nuclear Waste in the Summer of Venus

Tony Washburn was on his great interplanetary mission. He did not want to confess, but it was not his big dream. He saw his colleagues being in charge of large projects, some for true pioneer missions and that they would give them fame, but he only had to carry...

10 Seconds to a Robot Miner in the Asteroid Belt Meditate

After a century of research, when NASA’s Dawn spacecraft detailed the surface of Ceres, the largest body of the Asteroid Belt, the first water-mining mission on the asteroid now arrived. Guarded in ice, in pockets below the surface, recent missions by Robots Researchers who were in Ceres prepared a...

Three Animations of 2018 with Themes of Technological Innovation

In this post I would like to bring a curiosity. Have you seen how many animation themes have brought items of innovation in technology? The children (and the others too) have taken advantage of this to make it easier to imagine what a more connected future will be like....

The Robotic Summit

Discussing the History of Artificial Intelligence It was a cold winter afternoon, but the amphitheater was full. About 300 Robots, of the most diverse types were accommodated in every place, and in diverse ways, according to each robotic dynamic. In the center, in a well-decorated arena, was a dozen...