The Flight of the Manned Drone

It was the beginning of Safe Bird tests carrying Lisandra. A major undertaking in the city, 2 pioneering companies and leaders in their segments bet their reputation on that project. In some countries, there were already advanced tests of Drones carrying passengers, but there, it would be the last portion for the expected first commercial flight, with a fixed line. This was the scope of the project. The first airborne taxi equipped with Drones in the world.

But not everything was simple by then. A great resistance occurred around the safety of passengers. There was so much resistance that Safe Bird got in touch with Robotics Adventures, hiring their star, Lisandra. Lisandra was not a browser Robot or with any particular specialty, it was “just” a company robot. The choice had not been without purpose, the Safe Bird wanted to humanize to the maximum that experience before the press and Lisandra fell like a glove. Lisandra was the last attraction of humanized Robots and had conquered the country with their serene and sometimes even loving opinions. In addition, Lisandra would end up with resistance around security.

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So on D-day, authorities, the press, researchers, ordinary citizens, all were there interested in the future of the mission.
It would be 30 flights a month, every new day for a new evaluation and certainly a commercial release would occur, because they understood that it lacked little to gain the approval of public opinion.

A real robot-show was armed. Cameras were directed at Lisandra, capturing her delicate features and reactions. Also the Drone would have cameras in all directions and by far also be monitored. A dialogue of Lisandra with a journalist contracted by Safe-Bird would be given. All in real-time. There was a great reaction from the press, the TVs and online channels mobilized and transmitted everything live. Ultimately, there was great curiosity and an adventurous side of each one preponderated, where it was intended to win the battle against a maximum safety dose of the protection of life, but everyone understood the importance of that test.
With the live broadcast, missing seconds for the start, something unforeseen happened. A gale. Nothing serious, but enough to generate a small pendulum movement in the still landed Safe Bird. Lisandra made an expression of some anxiety about it.

Wanting to relax, the journalist interceded:
“Lisandra, everything ready for our trip? Do you want to get into the history?”
Lisandra moved her face slightly and asked,
“What was this?”
“Just a light wind, we have information that the weather will be good until our destination, crossing the city. How do you feel?”
“I’m … a little apprehensive. All this turmoil. It’s hard being in front of so many cameras. ”
The reporter paused a few seconds, possibly thinking about the next question.
“Yes, Lisandra. This is only for special robots. You can open the path for so many humans. To whom you dedicate your life. Who you love.”
“Yes. I love them deeply. I want my trip to be profitable. And that they always travel well, and happy!”
At that moment a countdown began. The reporter preferred another strategy involving Lisandra on the tour.
“Look, Lisandra, you’re taking off. How sensational! See how the ground will grow small. ”
At this point Lisandra actually looked down. There was no wind any more. However, she was tense and held each hand firmly on the safety bars of Safe Bird.

The route continued smoothly, the Drone was flying very quietly, firmly and truly transmitted safety.
Inside the Drone Lisandra did her best. She was still apprehensive:
“My dear, really a breakthrough we are living. A marvel of mankind. I’m very proud to be part of that. Please remember me when you are traveling on this wonderful machine.”
The journey went on smoothly. Safe Bird landed on the other side of town, where a small crowd of citizens applauded as the Drone landed.
Lisandra left the Drone and looked a little depressed.
Then almost a dozen reporters approached Lisandra and asked the traditional … “How do you feel?” Lisandra tried, but she could not hide a tear.
She recommended the route as being largely safe.
“Dear friends. How exciting. It really is a privilege. I believe that everyone should go through this fantastic journey. ” At this moment Lisandra began to cry in a slightly warmer way.
The Safe Bird reporter decided to pull the camera toward himself and took the focus away from the Robot.
Then, he Finished:
“Dear, we were witness to the first flight of the month with Lisandra aboard the Safe Bird. How will she get off the next route? Do you have any idea?  Please interact on our portal! One thing is right. We can not question the safety of this Drone. Imagine the revolution that will soon be in our city!”

Well, certainly many thought it would be an interesting process. And they were all cheering for Lisandra.

Main image from Ehang184 Drone (Autonomous Aerial Vehicle).


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