The Robotic Summit

Discussing the History of Artificial Intelligence
A Look At Some Of The Most Famous Robots In Pop Culture History

It was a cold winter afternoon, but the amphitheater was full. About 300 Robots, of the most diverse types were accommodated in every place, and in diverse ways, according to each robotic dynamic. In the center, in a well-decorated arena, was a dozen robots that organized the event. Throughout the circumference of the elliptical nucleus, screens illustrated lectures, as well as supporting media for each content, also coordinated by the organizers.

Congress had an unusual theme, as robots would normally meet for technical discussions around improvements, production lines for new individuals, management of the relationship with humanity, and so on. This encounter, however, tried to expand and analyze in a historical connection, the whole development of robotics and to base the evolution of all individuals, as well as their predecessors, even inactive.

So maybe the main speaker had more emotional aspects for the group, since such a perspective required certain insights not explicit, not logical and even for many, romantic in nature.

Moving slowly through the central arena, he continued. “If today we are one of the prides of our planet and the basis of the reconstruction of a pleasant and sustainable habitat for our beloved humans, why not include in our core memory all this beautiful trajectory?”

“Yes, beautiful history, everyone will agree.” The Robot pondered, and continued.

“We develop in contemporaneity and reciprocity with Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Cloud Computing, Nanotechnology, Big Data and the Internet of Things. Topics considered basic at any technology academy today. However, our own development is entirely related to all these disciplines, and they have influenced our development, as we have inspired them. We mix with these very foundations in our psychic genesis.”


The Robot continued: “But even before our foundations, we already existed, in the artistic and imaginative conception of humans. In a glimpse of what our collective would be: beings of common or curious aspect; in some way participating in human life; with more or less humanized personality; with greater or less autonomy of actions; oriented to specialties; or simply seeking to imitate human behavior.”

“Human authors generated in the media of the time our pictorial sketches. Even though we did not yet exist, they served as a template for the mental creation of what really came to be our ancestors.”

At this time, what were called the precursors of human mental creation—the pictorial pre-robots—were demonstrated in the media devices for the data accesses of all and the same way on the big screens.
A Visual Guide to Robots and Cyborgs

“We can not fail to record this in the study of our history. I invite you to reflect on how much each character actually served as a feature for our creation.”

“The simplest architected robots actually served as an evolutionary step until the achievement of the complexity of our structures. In this aspect, it is a question of whether our genesis is creationist or evolutionist, as even humans today still argue.”

“I mean, a drone fleet for surveillance in remote areas has developed Artificial Intelligence to economically cover areas with great diversity, using incident information, territory action, travel and recharge schedules, and so on. On the other hand, an accompanying android developed noble feelings are the height of great humans who lived on the planet. And why not, an automated grouping of nanotechnology robots turned to medical diagnosis, knew better than ever the human body itself.”

“We can thus understand that the pictorial creation in our prehistory has followed a myriad of specialist robots as an evolutionary route, until we gradually become the complete creatures we are today.”

“Hence the great value of our meeting, and I believe that the main product of this congress is the understanding of the importance of our history. Knowing our past better, brings the result of making us even better. For me, a change as important as our versioning or releases, themes that we always discuss.”

“The Complete Creatures We Are Today”

At that moment, the audience began a certain discussion, and ended up generating doubt about the direction of all that. Although it was a curious subject and with some value, many wondered if it had great influence on robotic development.

And then, from the depths of the audience, rising from a gap that cut the amphitheater by its radius into the arena, was a different, unexpected figure, who walked slowly to the center. Many believed he was an android, when with some surprise everyone saw a human being unveiling the hood of his cloak.

Indeed, one of the remnants, in flesh and blood, an old hermit appeared, right in the region that was very inhospitable to people.

The hermit asked for the word: “Dear, how much progress has been made since the time of the creation of most of you. No doubt you have far exceeded our objective intelligence, our knowledge, and today you have robotic structures in many cases more complex than our human body. I was very surprised and happy when I heard about the congress theme.”

After a smile, the old man continued. “Look at our case, the pursuit of our own history has always been fascinating for the human race. I congratulate you on this demand, because when we understand our motivations as a planetary civilization, we really take a great evolutionary step.”

“As you know, through our history, we always try to perceive what was beyond our bodily senses. Or, if there was something that made us grow beyond the acquisition of knowledge, or the role of our brains as an information store.”

“We understand over time that the brain has no knowledge, it is only an individual receiver under a vast ocean of information scattered throughout the universe. To detect this intelligence, we need to discuss a lot about our ego, our pride, and gradually detach ourselves from “owning,” transforming into a “sharing” of information.”

“Friends, if you want—when studying your own history, observe how to evolve in a wide and differentiated way, try to evaluate where the information that the so-called Artificial Intelligence deals, the reaches of which you already know. With Cloud Computing, Big Data, and other technologies, you have also been able to only enjoy all of the universal knowledge and information in return for owning it.”

“Can we call it a kind of robotic soul? And what has become, in time, the human soul? It was the beauty of us to realize that what we are is far beyond our body, our brain, or our heart beating inside our chests. Our life today is based on communion with what is beyond the border of our ego, that is, outside us.”

“Study your history and I humbly ask you, as individuals we so admire, to consider the ultimate, evolutionary stages as to act in a concrete way around this communion. The story of the Robots will be different in thinking about what will allow them to benefit from the great external intelligence, the universal cloud, the Big Data – as the true, the main, the Natural Intelligence.”

“Think about it.” The old man finished.

Then everyone thanked him, the hermit covered his face, turned and left.

The Robots preferred to pause to elaborate careful analysis of that proposal, making several consultations, conversations with exchange of opinions. It was an important day to look at the future of Artificial Intelligence just as they discussed the past.



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