Three Animations of 2018 with Themes of Technological Innovation

In this post I would like to bring a curiosity. Have you seen how many animation themes have brought items of innovation in technology?
The children (and the others too) have taken advantage of this to make it easier to imagine what a more connected future will be like.
I would like to bring here, 3 films from 2018. “Ralph Breaks the Internet”, “Next Gen” and “Smallfoot”.

All 3 bring interesting technology themes.

In Ralph Breaks the Internet, the second episode of this hero’s series, Ralph and his friend Vanellope “enter” the Internet. A virtual reality world presents itself to them. Buildings from Google, Cisco, Snapchat, Twitter, and many others appear. Virtual auctions, problems with the broker, Disney princess avatars are part of the duo’s adventure.
Another interesting duo is Next Gen, Project 77 (a robot) and Mai, a girl, need to fight some villains who want to leave a world with few humans and many robots in their life in the world in the future.

Finally, in Smallfoot, Percy and his friend Migo (a Bigfoot), build an unexpected friendship. Before, Percy had to overcome his longing for popularity as a reporter via social media.

In all the doubles, a fanciful part, that shelters the next person of an “ordinary personage”. Fantasy is part of the animations that entertain us so much. But what we notice, is that more and more innovative themes appear in cutting-edge animations. Robotics, Virtual Reality and Social Media are already part of the dialogue well understood by children or even those who are further away from technology.

I believe that in the coming years, more and more themes will arise, such as Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing and others.

These themes are first in the traditional documentaries, but soon they will be part of the day to day of the people, that is, part of the films and animations that we will see.

See for example the case of Robot Project 77 in Next Gen. It does the parts that a human could do, as a friend of the main character, Mai. The humanization of Robots continues as a strong trend, where maybe we can see some robots in the future endowed with “some feeling” doing company, helps people in simple tasks at home. There is an irony during the movie that sells Robots saying they are even better than the family. I do not believe in this kind of change, but it will be interesting to see the role that this new character will play in our lives.

The world of virtual reality will be more present in the lives of young people. Whether for games, whether for social interaction or for learning, certainly more and more tools, virtual environments, augmented reality, everything will be more and more available over time. What will be the consequences of behavior in this case? Will young people often prefer to find themselves in a virtual world with realistic avatars instead of the real world?

In Smallfoot, Percy would become a hero in social networks, discovering the world of Bigfoot through Migo. The obsession with network presence, being popular in social media costs you some setbacks. How will this develop? How will we identify ourselves in the future connected? Does the distance that the media determine to “flesh-and-blood” interactions will impose distortions of behavior and ambition on the young? In the case of journalists, a certain fragmentation of reporters who provide content, produce and sell to large content companies, will create a separate class of professionals, as is already the case today? A world of freelancers supported by the virtual sale and distribution of content.

And Ralph and Vanellope spend good hours at a virtual reality show … How many ideas for new stories! Many of our avatars will have plenty of work soon in the new animations.

In short, it is to accompany the animations that will come, and within the creative minds of writers, to imagine a future connected for all of us.





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